Our scent collection


The Orientals

Sensual, bewitching fragrances, deliciously warm and feminine.


Mathilde M's signature fragrance, with its distinctly feminine character, this precious, irresistibly sensual scent combines woody, spicy notes with the softness of vanilla and musk. Belle Marquise, your beautiful eyes make me swoon...

Divine Marquise

Elegant and sensual, an addictive fragrance with delicious notes of pralines, enveloped in a bewitching oriental accord of amber and patchouli. For modern-day Marquises.

Secret de Santal

The voluptuous notes of soft sandalwood mingle with the floral accents of a bouquet received as an offering. An exquisite marriage of fragrance, ending with the creamy vanilla notes emanating from eye shadow and other beauty elixirs.  

Amber Heart

Warm and bewitching, amber blends with vanilla and patchouli. The fragrance of a thousand and one nights, the embodiment of refinement, amber radiates with its rich, captivating scent... 


This fragrance has been imagined as a floral treat, a meeting of gourmand honey and a bouquet of jasmine and orange blossom. An addictive scent, delicately sweet, exquisitely floral and wildly carnal.

Les Orientaux

Sensual, bewitching fragrances, deliciously warm and feminine.


Mathilde M's signature fragrance, with its distinctly feminine character, this precious, irresistibly sensual scent combines woody, spicy notes with the softness of vanilla and musk. Belle Marquise, your beautiful eyes make me swoon...

Divine Marquise

Elegant and sensual, an addictive fragrance with delicious notes of pralines, enveloped in a bewitching oriental accord of amber and patchouli. For modern-day Marquises.

Santal Secret

The voluptuous notes of soft sandalwood mingle with the floral accents of a bouquet received as an offering. An exquisite marriage of fragrance, ending with the creamy vanilla notes emanating from eye shadow and other beauty elixirs.

Amber Heart

Warm and bewitching, amber blends with vanilla and patchouli. The fragrance of a thousand and one nights, the embodiment of refinement, amber radiates with its rich, captivating scent... 


This fragrance has been imagined as a floral treat, a meeting of gourmand honey and a bouquet of jasmine and orange blossom. An addictive scent, delicately sweet, exquisitely floral and wildly carnal.